Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Empower Network Domination

Quality Backlinks – Don’t Waste Your Time!

Quality Backlinks

Probably the most over looked aspects of getting an article to rank in one of the first three spots on Google, is the importance of optimizing your page content and THEN being able to get hordes of relevant quality backlinks to point back to your page.

Quality Backlinks are Useless Without Optimizing!

Put backlinking out of your mind for a few minutes and let’s start by talking about on-page optimization.

Your whole SEO efforts need to start with your KEYWORD and ON-PAGE optimization. If your not clear as to the importance of keyword research and optimizing your page for that keyword, I guarantee you, you’ll wast your time with any off-page SEO strategy of getting quality backlinks.

I learned the importance of keywords kinda the hard way but thankfully I didn’t go to far in the wrong direction before making an informed direction shift. The first thing is to make sure your website is keyed to a specific phrase that best describes your business, specialization, information, service or niche.

Get Free Accurate Information About Your Site

Have you given much thought to that? If not you can easily find out what the most prevalent word or words are on your site by utilizing the Google Webmaster Tool. Just copy and paste that term into the search and you can get right to it. It’s easy to use so just follow the instructions as provided. Understand that most of your information won’t be available immediately but in about a weeks time you’ll have access to things like,
  • The health of the site
  • External and internal links
  • Crawling errors
  • HTML errors
  • Content keywordsQuality Backlinks
If your using Google Analytics, set-up will be a breeze because you can integrate the two together. Once you have the link information you’ll be able to check your keywords by clicking on OPTIMIZATION then CONTENT KEYWORDS.

Here’s where you’ll see the the top keywords used on your site and what your shooting for is to have the keyword that’s most relevant to your niche to be at the top of the list. This blog for instance is about network marketing and the #1 most used keyword is NETWORK and the 2nd is MARKETING.

When you click on the keyword you will see the keyword and the variants encountered on the top pages. The variants for “network” are network, network’s, networking, networks and the variants for “marketing” found on the top pages are marketing, market, markets

Create Quality Backlinks with On-Page Optimization

So in order to build quality backlinks to rank your pages, you can see how powerful it can be to know exactly what your current keyword and variants are and make the proper adjustments to optimize your site for the keywords that describe what your site is all about. Better still, would be to set your keyword before you even build your first page or write your first post.

Then comes the process of optimizing your content “on-page” which involves taking a particular keyword phrase that you want to rank for, that’s relevant to your niche and use some very simple techniques to get the most out of your quality backlinks.

A run down would be to make sure to,
  • Have a keyword density of at least 1% of the total article
  • You have your keyword in the first sentence
  • You have your keyword in the last sentence
  • You have your keyword with an H-1, H-2 and H-3 tag
  • You have your keyword in bold text, italicized and underlined
That’s all there is to it, just make sure you’re consistent with the process. Take this list and do it for every post. You also can go back through your older articles and update them. Getting “quality backlinks” is a time consuming and if your not doing it yourself…expensive!

Don’t waste your time by NOT taking the time to do the proper optimization before building quality backlinks to your pages.

by Jamie LeBlanc |

-”Jobless Marketer”

PS Learn all the on-page, off-page and SEO strategies that I used to pull in $1000 in one day. Click the link below to get the details and see how inexpensive it is to get started…so cheap in fact that a JOBLESS guy could afford it!!

Quality Backlinks

Quality Backlinks,are Useless Without Optimizing![sociallinkz]

Empower Network,Quality Backlinks

Empower Network Domination

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