Attitude is Everything! Go To Work! Eric Thomas
TGIM EPISODE 5: Attitude is Everything! Go To Work!

Eric Thomas is rising to National prominence
Renown speaker, educator, author, activist and minister, Eric Thomas is rising to National prominence by delivering high energy messages that encourage people to live up to their full potential by breaking the cycles of crime, hopelessness and despair that many face daily. Known for his engagingly personal approach, his messages are both dynamic and inspiring. Formerly a high school dropout, he obtained his Masters degree in 2005 and is presently pursuing his PhD in Education Administration at Michigan State University. While consulting at Michigan State, he developed The Advantage Program, an undergraduate retention program targeting academically high-risk students of color. Eric’s representation of the merits of higher education, coupled with his knowledge of the pains of life, inspires people of all walks to break bad habits and reach for new levels of personal achievement.[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="365" caption="Eric Thomas"]

Eric Thomas presents through his hit YouTube series, “Thank God It’s Monday,” the premiere of the first International YouTube series talent search entitled, “Its My Monday.” Dancers, singers, rappers, beat artists, actors, comedians, and talents of all other genres are invited to participate in this original mini-segment to showcase their talent at the end of an episode of Thank God Its Monday Season 5. That’s right, Eric Thomas, the world renowned motivational speaker wants to give back to the community by paying it forward to those who have supported him the most: his YouTube viewers. YouTube fans internationally have contributed to the thousands of views that TGIM receives on a weekly basis and now its YOUR turn to tap into that pool and generate traffic for your YouTube channels! Each Monday, the winning video of the previous week’s contest submissions will be presented at the end of that day’s TGIM episode. And wait…there’s more!! The 13 best videos will be showcased on our website, for the public to vote on the best talent out of the 13 winners. The winner will get the opportunity to spend one full day with Eric Thomas and showcase their talent at one of his speaking events. It’s your time to shine America!! Please submit material to Videos longer than 90sec will be automatically disqualified. Download Contest Rules here --> Contest Rules
Go To Work! Eric Thomas
TGIM EPISODE 5: Attitude is Everything! Go To Work! Eric Thomas | Southbound' Inc
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