A Chi Kung's Teacher's Near Death Story
Dr. Ted Cibik knew he wanted to devote his life to health, healing, and Chi Kung at a very young age and for a very profound reason....he died. Twice actually. Once when he was five and again when he was 12.
As a child Ted Cibikdealt with major health conditions and also was declared to be one of the 10 worst asthma cases on the planet. When he was 5 he endured an episode that lasted 5 days and sent him to the emergency room. He flat-lined for over 14 minutes minutes, was declared dead as well as supplied his last rites."When I came back 15 minutes later they were astounded," said Dr. Cibik, the founder and executive director of Inner Strength, a clinic offering natural healthcare, mediation and martial arts. "Psychologists followed me around for the next ten years and wanted to know what I had seen on the other side, what had happened, and of course make sure that I was mentally sound."Being declared dead for that length of time and coming back to life is an extremely rare occurrence. He was asked to recount his experience to physicians and psychiatrists many times over the years, as they followed his case in the hope of learning something new that could further science.
The second time Dr. Cibik died took place in a different hospital and lasted only a few minutes. He did not comment as much on this experience except to say that it was different from the first time. Each near death experience opened his eyes to greater insights about his viewpoints, his relationships to other people, and the world in general.
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These life-altering experiences had a profound and lasting effect on Dr. Cibik as a young man. He became deeply interested in martial arts and looked up to Bruce Lee as a hero. After pleading with his parents he was able to convince his parents to let him try out a martial arts class. "My first experience with Jiu Jitsu caused an asthma attack due to the dust on the mats, and I ended up back in the hospital for three more days," Dr. Cibik said.
Ted managed to make it till the ripe advanced year of 18 before his next significant life difficulties: a serious car accident, which was later followed several months afterward by a prognosis of having bone cancer.
He followed the words of his here, "Do not hope for an effortless life, pray for the durability to endure a hard one."
Chi Kung "'Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one.'"
"For 3 months, I laid in a hospital bed with countless experimental surgeries and procedures that tested every ounce of my meditative abilities to control pain. Bruce Lee, still my hero at that time, said the words that I held tightly onto: "'Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one.'"
There are a number of treatments options available to patients along with meditation. The clinic has actually helped hundreds of people rebound from tough as well as one-of-a-kind problems through integrative health practices.
Ted Cibik located his very own inner toughness and the plethora of people that have sought out his clinic are happy that he did.
by Jeff Simonton:
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A Chi Kung’s Teacher’s Near Death Story | Southbound' Inc
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