Tips for boosting Brain Power
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Coffee is known as a Memory Booster Numerous studies and debates have already been done as a way to analyse the performance of the brain when it is put through the influence of caffeine. Final results determined in the various research has shown that students who took tests soon after studying and drinking coffee done better on average than others without caffeine intake. It is not yet been determined what are the long term effects are with regards to improved brain power with coffee.The sole proven benefits through coffeeintake are actually for two main aspects. Firstly, speed is accelerated when doing tasks that need little creativeness, ie. boring routines. This benefit would not however apply for if you want to think on your feet.The other shown merit, is seen in declarative memory, that is deemed as due to the discharge of adrenaline which happens to be the trigger that triggers our flight or fight instincts, which helps us remember intense experiences even better.So to recap, for the short term it may help boost brain speed when doing simple undertakings and memorizing, long term, we don't know yet.Become Conscious of Your SurroundingsAn exercise which I recommend highly would be to become more conscious of your environment. Aim to absorb details just like in a restaurant in particular. Just how many waiters are there? How many individuals are sitting at each table? Describe them. What's the couple at the next table eating? Where are the pictures? Gradually, this habit will develop your attention skills along with spatial memory. The best way to practice this is by having a partner in which you continue testing each other on information of the surroundings. As you become better you may check on more discreet or less relevant details.Learn to become good in some other languageThere is almost no exercise that actually works at as much components of brain power as learning a new language. Listed below are the fundamental features that are addressed:Memory. Vocabulary varies from language to language and memorizing the terms will work our short-term memory. As we put it to use gradually, concepts will become ingrained which works long-term memory.
Associative Reasoning. Several words, phrases and terms might be similar to a language you are aware of and that snap moment is the outcome of your mind having labored its ass off to make the connection of new things to a concept you are already knowledgeable about.
Flexibility. Whenever you only have a restricted collection of phrases and structures to use, your brain can certainly make an effort to search for combinations that work. And with each new string to your bow, the quantity of combinations also increases dramatically.
While this exercise necessitates most devotion, it's the one which supplies the fastest and most significant effects unquestionably.
Be the Devil's Advocate.
In essence it is defending a disagreement that you are against. Being able to switch sides within an argument isn't any easy task and to do so requires numerous skills. Flexibility is one since your point of view must frequently be changed from your opinion to the other. Possessing an open mind is primordial for this particular exercise as without this we will not manage to put ourselves in a position where we could accept probable substitutions. Empathy is a side response of this technique as you with practice you will find that it really is simpler to understand where other individuals are coming from. Believe me, this is a great skill to acquire, not just for improving your brain power.
by Kent Dominguez
If you're curious about how to improve brain power, then deserve a look.
Burnt / Burned Coffee Taste – What They’re Doing Wrong
This morning, I got my usual coffee made by my favourite barista, and it tasted disgusting and burnt. This is a rarity, her coffees are usually consistently good. It got me thinking about where this burnt taste comes from. I have heard conflicting reasons, and even the google research was not straight forward. This post attempts to explain why your coffee tastes burnt or like ****.I am a coffee snob. I like my coffee, and I like it bitter. I don’t add sugar, and I choose a cappuccino over a latte because if made properly, it will taste stronger. Although a lot (or even most) coffee shops don’t know this, a cappuccino should be equal parts espresso and milk (and the rest is filled with foam)... whereas a latte should have twice as much milk as espresso.
The first thing to note is that the taste does not come from burnt beans; it’s all in the making. A dark roast can be bitter with “charcoal” characteristics, but a coffee snob will be able to tell whether it’s a bitter roast or whether the coffee has been badly made. Where coffee using the same roast (ie at the same cafe) tastes different depending on the maker or day, that’s a good indication that it’s not the bean type that you have an aversion to.
Let’s get technical for a moment. Coffee making is actually more science than art. “Extraction” refers to the percentage (by weight) of the soluble coffee grounds that are dissolved in the water. Another issue is which solubles are dissolved – this depends on solubility of different substances at different temperatures, changes over the course of extraction, and is primarily affected by temperature.
Ideal extraction yield is widely agreed to be 18%–22%. The numbers themselves don’t matter; what matters is that there is a range in which coffee is considered to be well extracted. Coffee that tastes burnt has been over-extracted, as bitter components continue to be extracted after acids and sugars have largely completed extraction (and the process should have stopped).
Water temperature is also crucial as it affects the proportions in which solubles are extracted – you want to extract the desired flavors as much as possible, and the undesirable flavors as little as possible. The recommended brewing temperature of coffee is 93 °C. If the water is too hot, some undesirable, bitter, elements will be extracted, adversely affecting the taste.
Don't try to understand this graph unless you like graphs (I didn't...)- it's here to show how seriously some people take coffee making, and how maths and science comes into it. Source: Coffee Cuppers
But what does all this mean? What is the barista (or under trained 18 year old making your coffee) doing wrong?
Let’s apply this to the commercial coffee machine. Firstly we need to understand how it works. It works by forcing almost boiling water through packed coffee grounds.There are different types of machines, but most of the ones you see in cafes in Australia are steam driven. They use steam to force the water through the grounds.Things that will cause over-extraction (and the yucky burned taste):- When the steam/water is not forced through the beans fast enough. Depending on the grind type, there is an ideal brew time. Over brew and you over extract. This almost always happens because the tamp (that's the pressing of the ground beans into the holder) is too firm - so the barista has either put too much coffee into the holder, or has put the right amount but has stamped it down way too hard. This then means that the water can't get through the coffee as quickly as it should. Ideally, a shot needs to be timed and the barista needs to measure how heavy the tamp is compared to how fine the beans are grinding at that moment.
- Another issue is that the group head (the coffee holder goes in here) gets very hot, and if the grinds are left in there too long it will adversely affect temperature.- Dirty, unmaintained machines can contribute to **** tasting coffee – when the machine isn’t working properly, the barista has little hope of getting the pressure right.In short, it’s the coffee being over-extracted that results in the burnt taste – not burnt milk as some would suggest. Burnt milk is a whole other story, and will also adversely affect the taste of coffee (but doesn’t cause the burnt bitter taste). Burnt milk tastes sweeter than normal milk, is thinner and less creamy and has the aroma of “burnt milk” (overheat milk in the microwave and you’ll see what I mean if you don't already).Got through all that science? You can call yourself a real coffee snob now! Congrats..Of course, coffee making IS also an art... some coffee works of art (latte art):
simply me
THE GOLDEN BEAN AWARD WINNING BLENDRoasted and delivered fresh in an airtight heatsealed bag to ensure quality.
Vibe is inspired by traditional Italian Espresso. We select only the best beans from Central and South America, roast them separately and then blend to ensure lasting flavour and rich crema.
Blend: A unique combination of Brazil Cerrado, Costa Rican SHB E.P. and Guatemala Antigua Los Volcanoes.
Espresso: This blend is magnificent as an espresso. It releases a rich dark cocoa experience which will then roll into buttery vanilla sensations which spreads across the whole palate and lingers pleasantly.
Milk Drinks: The body of the Guatemala punches through the milk and combines with the light, refined acidic nature of the Costa Rican to create a sweet and versatile canvas for all your milk drinks.
My coffee shop online
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